Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love Wade Hopfer.

Mini Bike

I got a baja doodlebug to play with.  Now all my friends that don't ride motorcycles can have some two wheel fun with me.

Mini Scooter

So I got jealous of all these people getting started on their winter project.  I'm broke, cheap, and just had a baby.  That doesn't leave too much disposable income to put into a project so I found something stupidly cheap.  A small pull start scooter that was broken in half. 

 I ended up finding a donor scooter with a bad motor. 

I got everything put together and moving.
I quickly realized that these things fall apart because from the factory no bolts have lock tight, nothing is greased, and everything is loose. 

 Everything is fixed and painted.

lock tight, grease, and tourque

Now I have something to take up those times when the baby is sleeping.

2 cool hondas at a pawn shop

I was heading up the road a bit to buy a mini bike.  I saw these sitting outside a pawn shop on the way.


Since my least favorite holiday is coming up I thought I should post this.  Happy Winter Solstice.
3 months since my last post.  A lot has happened.  I had a baby!  Well my wife had one, I was there to watch.  No drugs, just pure animal spirit.  It was as you would imagine; amazing.  Out came a small girl.  Before, I didn't want a girl.  Now I couldn't imagine having a boy.  We named her Penny Delilah.  She is awesome.

Friday, August 31, 2012


I haven't been blogging much lately because a friend of mine got me into instagram. That bastard.