Saturday, July 13, 2013

Smokeout 14
June 21-22 2013

 Josh Fixing his Triumph Chopper that he just finished (a common scene throughout the weekend).

 Dan Pulled a wheelie right after this and landed on his back with his legs stretched out and the bike standing straight up and down between them.  

 This guy had some great mini bike creations. That's a dirt bike front end on a go kart.
 caught instagramming

 I'm in the lead!

 Steve's Z50r
 Josh's Triumph at The Factory Metal Works tent
 He was about to trade his sporty for my mini bike.

 Led Sled Customs builds some awesome shit.

Of course the classy ass wet t-shirt contest happened.


 I met this guy on the Revenge Run.  He lost a testicle to cancer and this is ho he paid tribute to it.

 Gwaltney, casing meats since the 1800's
 Wes's Evo Chopper
 Some Stripper on a Triumph

 This was Frankenstein Machine was awesome.

 Look at that under seat coil over
 Inline for with a starter that could fire a v12

 Honda Rebels hold a special place in my heart.  This one is turbo.

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